Tuesday, September 3, 2013


Since I've recently re-enrolled to finish my MEd, I've read and viewed some really enlightening texts that have really inspired me to be an even better teacher.  One of the most important skills a teacher can have is that of reflection--reflection of themselves, their students, their skills, their plans.  Really, shouldn't all people be reflectors?  Lately, I wonder if the superiors of our education institution do any reflection.

The attached video calls to question the motives of our educational system.  Should our goal as educators be to prepare students for the 21st century economy?  If you answer yes, you may reconsider after watching this video.  As educators, are we meeting the needs of all students and really reaching them with our teaching?  We can only hope, but I really doubt my (our?) effectiveness after watching this video. 


The evidence this video provides for why we need to reform our educational system is rich, and the visuals only help to further develop the need to be creative and have free expression.  I mean, look at how this one person--the creator of this video--put together a comprehensive analysis using drawings and captions.


  1. Ok, about 2 minutes into this video, I bookmarked it and in my head began to list all of the people I was going to send the link to. I love love love this. How did you find?

    The part about cultivating creativity hits close to home for me because that is my FAVORITE part of being a teacher: helping students understand that imagination is key and it's ok to have fun while learning!

    Can't wait to use...thank you so much for sharing!

  2. You are so welcome!!! I'm taking the Education and Society course, and we had to watch and analyze this video in conjunction with others, such as Pink Floyd's "Another Brick in the Wall", to expose what is being said about education. I thought this video is wildly impressive because it's just so honest, true, and evidence sound.

  3. I also found myself immediately wanting to share this video. Wow! It is at once astounding and also terrifying. Is it possible that we can de-industrialize our classrooms without overhauling the entire educational system? This video has me wanting to drop everything and become a Jesuit-monk-style tutor, roaming the world and helping students find their creativity.

    1. LOL! A Jesuit-monk-style tutor- love it! And, yes, though this is an awesome video, it is also terrifying and overwhelimg...on so many levels...which just goes to show you how much of a change we really do need to make.

  4. I absolutely love this video. I was introduced to this at a conference a while back, but I am glad that you posted it here! I also find it valuable that you open your blog by talking about reflection, because that is one of the purposes of the blog assignment....to allow you to reflect on what you are learning (not just in this class) and to share with others.
